A generic passive-guaranteed structure for elastoplatic friction models

Slideshow of a presentation given at the second NOnlinear DYnamics CONference (NODYCON 2021) on a joint work with David Roze (STMS laboratory, UMR 9912 CNRS IRCAM UPMC) about a Generic passive-guaranteed structure for elastoplatic friction models.


Le formalisme des Systèmes Hamiltoniens à Ports pour la simulation passive de systèmes couplés

Slideshow of a presentation given at the plenary meeting of the French CNRS Research Group on Differential Geometry and Mechanics (GDR-GDM) about The Port-Hamiltonian Formalism for the passive simulation of coupled systems (in french).


Modeling and simulation of the electrodynamic loudspeaker

Interpolation of turbo-machinery POD-ROMs

This is the slideshow of the talk I gave at the International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation ADMOS (Campello, Alicante, Spain, May 2019) on a collective work with R. Mosquera, A. Hamdouni, A. El Hamidi and E. Liberge.


POD-ROM for flows induced by bodies in forced rotation

Article Antoine Falaize, Erwan Liberge and Aziz Hamdouni POD-based reduced order model for flows induced by rigid bodies in forced rotation. Journal of Fluids and Structure, 2019. pdf bibtex


PyPHS Seminar

Seminar I gave on December 2017 in which I present the concepts underlying the PyPHS Library. The talk is in french and the slideshow is in English.

PyPHS Tutorial

Video recording of a hands on tutorial on PyPHS library I gave on December 2017. The talk is in french and the material (slides and Python scripts) are in English.

Analyse de SHP pour la génération de lois de commande par platitude différentielle

Slides for the presentation I gave during the 2nd edition of the Journées Techniques de Contrôle en Vibrations, Acoustique et Musique (JTCVAM) (in french).


Introductions to GIT and PyPI

Two presentations given at LaSIE (UMR CNRS 7356, La Rochelle Université) on Nov. 23rd 2017 by Muzzamil Luqman and Antoine Falaize (research-engineers at LRU):

  • Version Control with GIT: an introduction slideshow

  • Packaging Python Code: an introduction slideshow


C++ and LaTeX code generation with SymPy

C++ and LaTeX code generation with Sympy

Antoine Falaize, CNRS UMR 7356 LaSIE, Université de la Rochelle, France

Conférence Python Scientifique

Université de La Rochelle - 14 Juin 2017

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